Principal’s Corner

Wildcat families,


Happy first day of Spring! We are so excited for warmer days and brighter colors. Our students have worked hard this week and are preparing for a much-deserved Spring Break! 


Our Wildcat of the Week is Lilly G! Lilly is a second grade student in Ms. Weiss’ classroom. Ms. Weiss described her as hard working, polite, and always sets a good example. She also has  a great sense of humor! Way to go, Lilly! 


Spring Break will be next Monday through Friday. We will welcome students back on March 31st to finish out the year strong! 


ILEARN Checkpoint 3 scores will be in blue folders this evening. Our third, fourth, and fifth graders have completed the last Checkpoint before our summative test in mid-April. We are so proud of their hard work this year! 


Our annual athletic banquet will be held on April 9th at 5 pm. All athletes will receive an RSVP in blue folders this evening. Each family is asked to bring either a dessert or bag of chips. Pizza and drinks will be provided! Please send in your RSVPs by April 7th. 


Are you interested in serving on our wonderful PTO board? Click this link to submit your name for an officer position.  PTO Officers

Thank you for supporting our school! 


Families, the School Choice Scholarship window is now open. Mrs. Fischer has sent home information regarding next steps in the application process. Please submit required items in a timely manner. 


Flower sales have officially started! Please turn in all forms by April 14th. Flowers will be delivered on April 30th. We will need lots of volunteers on the 30th to help with sorting. 


Parents, if you are in need of a tutor for your child, please see the following information from Madison Hamilton. Tutoring Services


Nominate a staff member for March here —>Staff Member of the Month Nomination Form


Have a great evening, 


Dr. Spindler

Mar 20th - Public Library Visits 


Mar 21st - Mrs. Grimes’ Birthday! 

Mass hosted by the 2nd grade 

School Reconciliation 9:30 am 


Mar 24th-28th - Spring Break! 


Apr 2nd - ILEARN Opp 2 Checkpoint 3 

Stations of the Cross (3-5) 10 am 

First Communion Parent Meeting 6 pm 


Apr 4th - Kindergarten Library Field Trip 

12:30 pm 


Apr 5th - Mrs. Barrett’s Birthday! 


Apr 9th - Athletic Banquet 5 pm 


April 10th - Early Dismissal 1 pm 

The Catholic Corner

Today, March 20 is the first day of Spring! Praise God who gave us plants and the rain for them to grow.  During one of the 7 sacraments the priest or deacon uses water. Using water means that our____ are washed away during the sacrament of _____.  Fill in both blanks.